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אמילי 28_edited.jpg
image of Emily friends
image of Emily

Emily Tehila Damari, known as "Everyone's Friend" because of the grace and warmth she shows to everyone.

Emily Tehila Damari leaves her mark on the hearts of her friends, the members of the Kfar Azza community, and anyone she has met.

Her happiness and contagious warmth bind her circle of friends together.

Inbar Rosenfeld, a very close childhood friend of Emily, says, "She's the glue that unites us all."

On the Black Saturday morning at 7:10 am, Emily was in her apartment in the "Young Generation" neighborhood, which suffered a particularly severe attack that same Saturday.

On that day, in a terrible tragedy, Emily was abducted by Hamas terrorists from her secure and safe apartment.

This shocking and terrible event has rallied her entire family, friends, and the kibbutz community to campaign fervently for her safe and complete return home.

Guy Yaakobi, a childhood friend, expresses tangible concern for her well-being and adds deep urgency to the calls for Emily's safe return home.

Or, Emily's childhood friend, echoes this sentiment and calls on everyone to unite for Emily as if she were their own family member, emphasizing the need to act resolutely and persistently until their dear and beloved friend returns home safely.

This collective determination is a testament to the concern and strength of her friends, who miss her so much and want their dear and beloved friend to return home safely.

Emily's family believes in, expects, and waits for her return, fighting and doing everything possible for Emily's story to have a happy ending.

image of Emily
image of Emily
image of Emily friends

Please send us a letter from you on behalf of Emily so that we can publish it on the website.

Thank you for sharing


From: Nira Eisenstadt

I am so sorry. I pray for all the kidnapped every day. I think about you every hour. I pray that Emily Tehila is alive and will soon be with the family ,recovering from this nightmare..

From: Susan Bamberger

Hey Emily I visited your beautiful home today a year after you were so brutally kidnapped I pray for you all the time and would like you to know that in London, where I live, we hold a weekly vigil for you every Friday morning and I’ve started going to synagogue every Friday night too, as I just don’t know what else we can do to help scream louder that we need you alll returned home NOW. The MillHill community can’t wait for to visit. Susan t

From: Tehila Cohen

My dearest Emily!
I have no words to describe how much I am praying for your well-being and the well-being of all our brothers and sisters who were taken. I miss you so much, even though I don’t know you personally, you are deeply in my heart! You have gone through something unimaginable! You are a true hero!
I am praying that you return safe and sound, both in body and in spirit, and that you have a happy life without any pain!!!
I love you so, so much and am waiting for you.


From: Chani

Every day, I make an effort to pray for you to return home. I recite Psalm 29, and today I visited the Rebbe of Lubavitch's Ohel.
There, I asked for you to come back home.

Stay strong,

From: Gili Tane

Today, on my way to work, I came across a small sign and stopped to read about Emily.
I’m waiting for better news about her fate.

From: Lior Kamchagi

Emily, soon you'll be home. You are strong, and you'll smile again, wrapped in a big, loving hug with Mom.

From: Efrat Arg.

I returned to faith, and much of it is thanks to you. Emily, you are a source of inspiration and a reminder that only God rules the world, and there is none besides Him. I have no doubt you will return thanks to all the merits the people of Israel have done for you and for all the captives. "And the children shall return to their borders." Until we witness and merit seeing you healthy in body, spirit, and soul, may you too feel the light of ultimate truth!

From: Roy Nachmani

Dear Emily, today Hamas announced that you’re coming home. You’ll return, heal, and one day, they’ll show you this page with everything we wrote about you. You’ll realize how many people love you, even those who never met you. Take the strength of this love and build a new life. The journey won’t be easy, but you will succeed. I believe in you.
Roy, from Jerusalem.

From: Yuval

Welcome home, Emily! I'm sorry we couldn't bring you back sooner.

From: Faigy

I wish that you would return today in the hostages deal, alive, healthy, and as beautiful as you were...

From: Racheli Ben Yechiel

We were so excited at the Western Wall on Thursday, and they handed us Shabbat candle lighting for the success of Emily's release, along with the other hostages. We took some, made challah dough, and prayed so deeply. We were so happy to hear she's being released. what a dream!!! With God's help, may we merit to see the release of all the hostages together!

From: Halston Rain Lober

Emily!! I don’t know you personally, but from reading about you... I heard you're supposed to be released today. I’m so looking forward to seeing the picture of you hugging your loving family.

From: Maayan

You are a queen, may God bless you. Thank God you’ve returned. The people of Israel are with you in every step, pain, and tear ❤️

From: Shira Lamivasi

Emily, how beautiful you are, how good it is that you’ve returned home. We’ve been waiting to see your light come back to us. Now, I’m sending you a huge hug and asking for forgiveness.

From: Mally

I’m so excited that you’re home!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: Michal

Emily!!!! Every day I prayed for you to return. I’m so excited that it finally happened, so glad you're home. I love you so much, hero! Am Israel Chai!

From: Liri Shafir

Yesterday, all the TVs at home were on the news, each one on a different channel so we wouldn't miss anything. Since 7:30 in the morning, we waited for the list to be released. We waited all day, we waited all year, we waited 471 days for you to come home, Emily. Welcome home!

From: Liba

Dear Emily!! Welcome home!! I don’t know you, but I’m so excited that you’ve returned to us!! How good it is that you’re back! May God give you endless strength and health! From now on, may only good things happen to you! I love you so much! Your sister... from the people of Israel... :) 💛

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